Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The 10 Best Records for the First Half of 2013

So far, 2013 has been a great year for music. I've probably purchased and listened to more music during the first six months of 2013 than any year in recent memory, partly due to my early retirement and Bandcamp. Here is a list in descending order of my 10 favorite records that have been released so far this year.

10. La Femme - Psycho Tropical Berlin

9. Broadcast - Berberian Sound Studio

8. Matmos - The Marriage of True Minds

7. Grouper - The Man Who Died in His Boat

6. Ashley Paul - Line the Clouds

5. Rachel Zeffira - The Deserters

4. Oval - Calidostópia!

3. Jenny Hval - Innocence is Kinky

2. Colleen - The Weighing of the Heart

1. Aidan Baker - Already Drowning